Charvel 650XL

Guitar Details
Year - 1989 - 91
Country of Origin - Japan
Pick up - HSS
Trem - Jackson JT590
Finish - Midnight Blue
Guitar Information
The Charvel 650XL or the Charvel 650 Custom is part of Charvel's Professional Series. According to the Charvel catalog, it's a custom version of the Charvel 550XL. It features neck-through construction, passive pickups with active mid-boost system (requires 9V battery) and a Floyd Rose Jackson JT590 tremolo. Other features are
Matching headstock
Bound fretboard and headstock
Mid-boost control knob
Recessed trem route
Jackson JE-1200 Active circuit

My Thoughts
The 650XL is one of the best guitars made by charvel and great under appreciated , if you get the chance to play one give it a go you'll be surprised how good these guitars are, the kids of today don't know what they are missing.